
[no subject]

Jump to Comments Well, I almost got killed today, or something. Walking bewteen the south lot softball adjunct (where I park) and the primary south lot, I was nearly run over by some buffoon in a silver Mish-bish Eclipse. They pulled into the lane between the two lots off the main road at about 25 or 30, and didn’t slow down, even though, like, I was right in the thing’s path. You know, normally, I don’t even worry about crossing there because, you know, the fact that I would probably do as much damage to the offending car as it would do to me typically suggests to people that they should, like, slow down. And I ocassionally point to them and give them the eye if they are acting like they think it’s some sort of crime that they have to stop for pedestrians. But, uh, I had to run out of the way of this fool. I feel like getting some of that stuff that you write on windows with and putting “Watch out for pedestrians next time” on the thing’s windows– I know where it parks. Too bad it’s actually a fairly decent car, I’d almost be saddened if I would have acted on my initial reaction and just jump onto the thing’s hood and smash the windshield. Ah, well, the rest of school was good. All the sophomores and juniors will be out taking PSAT tomorrow, so I’ll have study halls in Chem and all my foreign language classes. YES

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