Entries from June 2003
The Stromburglar is dead. Long live the Stromburglar.
Yes, folks, our great hero of the twenty-four-hour fillibuster, Strom Thrumond, is dead. Sure, he might have had some segregationist crap going on for him, but he was instrumental in doing away with the Poll Tax in South Carolina, and was the first southern Senator since Reconstruction to have a black person on his political […]
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over.
So, Monday, I slept, I think, for most of the day, and I think I did Tuesday, as well; however, this isn't important, and the lack of importance to most of Monday and Tuesday is probably the reason why I was sleeping.
Action Abe, Bomb Squad Rabbi
What up. No, that title doesn’t have anything to do with anything. So, it’s been several days since I blogged, and I can’t really remember when that was or what exactly happened, so I write down what I remember and also make stuff up. The last blog appears to have been written the Saturday before […]
Blah blah college blah
Hahahaha, daily blog entries? Yeah, that’d work, if I were on a bloody routine of some sort. So, it was decided some how or another that El Baile and myself, as well as our Maternal Units would go down to register for college in the new Range Rover on Wednesday. IN A QUOAH-TAH OF A […]