
A signal consisting of two tones at 853 and 960 Hz, lasting 8-25 seconds…

Jump to Comments I’m driving yesterday, and since I have this strange compulsion to play loud rap music when I drive the Range Rover, I was doing so. The radio suddenly cuts midsong to the EBS tones. It was a fairly sunny day, and it hasn’t rained enough recently for there to be any kind of flood warnings, so, you know, the only thing that kind of event means to me is incoming ICBMs. Needless to say, I nearly drove off the road.

It was instead some ‘amber alert’ because some dumb dad with an Explorer and expired tags had abducted his two children, some money, and his fishing tackle and was heading to Tennessee or somesuch. Of course, he was reported ‘armed and extremely dangerous’ because he had a hunting knife. I mean, you know, I think that child abduction is sad and all, but the Emergency Broadcast System really needs to be restricted to things that pose an imminent threat to society, like tornadoes and floods and supercells and nuclear weapons.

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