

Jump to Comments Yeah, yesterday was fun. I couldn’t drag myself out of bed until ten AM, so I guess I skipped chapel and French, or something. Went to my other classes, of course– got a 91% on my ANE/Egypt test in Hist 110, and we also started on the ancient Greeks and stuff. Bible was interesting– we finally got out of chapter four! Skipped Enoch and that stuff, started the Flood bit. Now just like 35 chapters to go before Joseph and such. I think we have a passage quiz in there tomorrow, so I’d better go do some rote memorization here in a bit. Spanish was more presentations. But it was the last day, so that’s good, or something. Something new next time, at least.

Reformatted Urn’s harddrive in the afternoon, since it appeared that the continual crashing of his machine (caused, obviously, by him trying to make it do more things at once than it could) and ensuing power-cord removals led to, dun, dun, dun, the FAT becoming corrupted and the computer losing the ability to boot from the hard drive properly. I’m sure I’ll have to do it again in the future. Went to dinner and had a choice of slop, vaguely Italian slop, or crummy pizza. I chose vaguely Italian slop and put a bunch of salt and pepper (mainly pepper) and some ‘parmesean’ cheese on it. It wasn’t entirely atrocious. Installed some drivers on Aaron’s computer so that it would work, and then went to my 8:20 class, which was okay. Came back to my room Dusty and Aaron’s and putzed around with that machine some more, and Dusty explicated some of his fun accounting stuff to me, which was neat.

Also, I coined a little nelogism with New Latin and a little help from Spanish and Anglicizationism. Pagate (PA-gayt in Lamb Standard Rendering), meaning to pay. From Latin pacare, to appease, via Sp. pagar, to pay.

I don’t have to go to French today, because M Robert’s family is sick and he called off class. Still have to go to BOLD, though, here in a few minutes. However, when I got back from chapel and picking up an RA app, I noticed my phone telling my I had a voicemail, so I czeched it. Transcript follows.
This is a mesage for Justin… Dell [Delk, Delp, Bell]. Return a call to Mr. Acker. My phone is is [317?-]205-9770. Should you not reach me by 5, leave a message in my voicemail.
Hmm. Now, I could understand with the original vmail greeting I had on this phone over a year ago, how somebody could dial the wrong number and have no idea they were leaving a message on my phone. That greeting went something like “Hi. Leave me a message after the beep. … Beep. … No, after the real one.” But my current one is:
This is Benjamin Hunter Lamb, at [you know my name, look up the number], I’m currently unable to take your call at this juncture. If you would, please leave your name … and, uh … message. I’ll get back to you as soon as possible, or as soon as I feel like it, whichever comes first. Thank you and good-bye.
How dumb can you be? Not only do I say my name but also the phone number, with the area code and everything. I don’t know much about this Mr. Acker, but I know now that he’s a total MORON. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. Seriously.