
May Contain Traces of Shrimp

Jump to Comments Hmm, not much to say, except I guess I didn’t actually get a C in Spanish 303 after all! Wierd.

Today was the same-old same-old, so insert a bunch of junk about hanging out in Dusty’s room and classes and something about John Mayer.

Oh, also, I had a fake conversation with Luke Snodgrass on the way from class about the “Crappiest St. Patrick’s Day Ever”, and I had at least one kid going that I was serious. Hahahahahaha.


  • Spell weird like this, w-e-i-r-d otherwise it looks plain weird
    (and it’s spelled wrong)

  • I before E, except after C, except in “weird” occasions…

  • Science also violates that rule, among others. 😉

  • Yeah, mainly because those ‘rules’ like “i before e except after c” are perscriptivist inventions, instead of reflecting underlying, fairly logical, English orthographical conventions. I’ve just always said weird “wee-erd” drawn-out-like since I was little, which would map to *wierd, as opposed to “weh-urd” (weird). Compound this with German orthography and you’ve got me totally confounded. Weird.

  • Midwest Turf Association
    GMT-0500 09:00:12 0402.23 (Mon)

    You know, it’s weird because I got a transcript error at the same time in the same 3rd level elevated class. I recieved a B+ from Miller, rather than an A because she screwed up some assignment I had turned in but she didn’t record. And I did end up getting an A, even after all the fuss. I just thought it was a strange coincidence of that happening to 2 people in the same family at the same time in the same class.