
Me and the rest of my heathens

Jump to Comments Well, Z-town was most excellent this weekend; had lunch with Matt at the new Italian restaraunt, Amore, saw that new Jesus movie (most excellent), drove the Range Rover around a bunch.

A group photography project in my Hopper! class was really bothering, since my group completely failed to understand that the photgraphic concept of ‘line’ has nothing to do with people standing in lines. I talked to Hopper! about it today, and about some other stuff, and feel a lot better about it; he confirmed that, basically, I’m right and their wrong and that a few pictures of people in line would have been cute or funny or something, but 27 pictures would have been “a cop-out.” Yeah, I enjoy feeling vindicated.

I slept all afternoon for no good reason. Ordered some Pizza Hut, and it was only $7-something for a large, and they delievered promptly, so I’m never ordering Pizza Pro ever again.

Cleaned the bathroom floor for health instpections or whatever the heck that is tomorrow. Yuck. I need to buy some more juice, it’s just Vernor’s or 7UP or water right now, which gets boring after a while.

As I mentioned over on Matt’s blog, I’m thinking of having partyage back up at Neuhaus, tentative date Tuesday, 16 March 2004 8:00 PM EST. No approval from the units yet, so, you know, just wanting to put it out in the open or whatever.


  • Unit permission granted.
    How did you handle the info from Hopper with your errant

  • Unit permission granted.
    How did you handle the info from Hopper with your errant

  • oops … the 1st time I tried to post it said it couldn’t open page, so I hit it again and it came up twice.

  • You also forgot your name 3 times, whoever you are.

  • Given the “unit permission granted” line, I’m willing to guess that it was either Mr. Lamb or Mrs. Lamb.

  • Ben, the spammers have smart tongues but thick skulls. They claim that if they were spammers, you’d have stopped them by now. Stupid logic, but to acquiesce them, you may want to stop them. Otherwise, they’re just going to keep playing Buzz Lightyear in your forum. :\

  • Hmm … seems they may be people you know. Caitlyn McDuff and Mariana Lambert? (born 1988, Fishers and AZ, respectively?)

  • Like I said, they’re probably friends of the MTA (1988 and whatnot). Now that I have laid down the ground rules for them, if they keep acting up they’ll be dispensed with. Though, Ryan, they aren’t spammers, really. I don’t know what to call it, but, as they aren’t doing it in hopes of generating revenue, it’s not really spamming.