
“Got it” just don’t get it

Jump to Comments Blah. I haven’t been my normal begrudging, witty, ascerbic, sarcastic happy self lately, for whatever reason. I guess I’d just rather be in Zionsville than this windy, rainy morass. English has a nice amount of words to describe the abhorrent ground conditions outside in addition to morass: mire, slough, muck, bog, fen, marsh, muskeg, swamp, quag. There must be some part of Britain that is perpetually muddy from incessent inclimate weather and utter morons who think lawn maintenence involves cutting the grass as short as possible as often as possible, and putting down mulch during the rainy season. Whiskey tango foxtrot, over.

Today wasn’t particularly eventful; I guess instead of the usual Sontagabend viewing of Family Guy DVDs in Dusty’s room we had a Sontagabend viewing fo Family Guy in Megan’s room, which was a lot less fun than normal. I don’t care if Megan was there or not, the fact that the girls’ dorm rooms have lineoleum floors and an utter dearth of non-bed seating totally blows. I had better get into Cone next year, I don’t think I’m going to come back here if I end up in one of the boys’ dorms with similar appointments.