
I think I’ve been up for 16 hours today

Jump to Comments And I’m not feeling tired at all. Sleepy, yes, but not tired.

See, I woke up at 7:;30 this morning to buy some stuff at walmart — answering machine and related paraphenalia, which ended up being:
GE Digital Answering Machine
GE 110 VAC non-grounded outlet multiplexer (brown)
Southwestern Bell modular jack splitter (2-way, ivory)
SB coiled-cord anti-twist device for my existing handset (clear)
Late Night with Conan O' Brien 10th Anniversary Special DVD
bottle of coke-brand water (Dasani? whatever)
Then I went to wash the bug splatter off my passat before it melted on, and snagged some breakfast at the Burger King.

And all of that was before 9 AM. In chapel, Burksey did the cameraderie and Holy Kiss /Italian Greeting schtick (to which the guy in front of me proclaimed was the first step in the Harding conspiracy to “Engage Hearts and Minds”, as the slogan goes) again like last year. Whatever.
Excanged Theology Class books at the 9:45 slot, since I didn’t have the SI junk fixed yet. I found the reciept for my orignal purchase so I didn’t have any problems. 10:45 was French, which will be good. Unfortunately Andre Glace-Foid Troi-mille and Beth are in the other section, but I’ve still got Mattieu, who was actually wide awake and speaking in French fairly easily. I think the 9:45 class period last year was just too early for the dude. Everybody else is frosh with HS experience.

On my lunchbreak I got some Chick-fil-a and mainly cleared up the SI stuff. Yeah.

1300 Found me upstairs in the Gayness Ganus building in Dr. Klein’s History class, which is actually since 1877 and not to 1877. I should have looked at my book better, it’s right on the stupid thing. This guys seems like he’s going to be quality.

So after Klein I went downstairs to the Ganus Fishbowl for Latin American Civ. Knowing that it’s a Conley Spanish class, I start trying to crank the Spanish gears so I’m already going before she can walk in, say Entonces and then a paragraph-block of information in Spanish in about 5 seconds. The aforementioned Beth is also in this class, so as soon as Mrs. Conley starts up the Spanish Avalanche, Beth teurns to me and says “Okay, Ben, you’re my translator. Go!” I had a hard time stiffling the laughter, but I managed to succeed. The rest of class was pretty quality.

My Theology class had a few people I know in it, including the Unstoppable David Ashley. It looks like it may be pretty boring, judging from the way the teacher handled it the first day. But I’m gonna make the most of it, yeah.

After that, I went to czech my mail (nothing), finalized the SI stuff, and went to my room for a few minutes. Deciding against taking a nap or something stupid like that, I hit up the Shanerage and we got some grub. He left before I did, so I sat with Ivan and Lancey for the rest of the time, and they invited me to the Spanish-speaking group’s Wednesday night singing thing, to which I ascended, but not before I saw Molly Morris in the Caf, but only for like a minute and a half. Where the heck has she been, anyhow?

Went to the aformentioned Spanish thing, and then back to my room. I was, like, totally bored and stuff, and called up the Megs in a manner that I quickly realized was just me saying “I am bored. Entertain me.” which is stupid, but she wanted to go to that coffee house up the street and we haven’t hung out in a while anyway so I guess it wasn’t that big a deal. Drank, talked, went back to campus. I regressed to my room and took care of some low-level stuff (shower, etc), czeched the intarweb Internet, wrote this. Tee hee.

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