
How long have I been talking about this?

Jump to Comments Finally! Somebody’s actually investing in mechanized fruit harvesting. I understand that, yes, it is a little harder to pick fruit off of a tree from a technological standpoint than it is to run a combine over a field of wheat or corn. And, yes, I have both worked in a cornfield and have picked strawberries and blueberries for fun and profit, so my experiential knowledge of the subject is up to snuff.  However, this development should been perceived as a boon both to me, a person who loves robots and also farming, as well as all those people who like to couch their racism and xenophobia in talks of “illegals” and “no amnesty.” 

Migrant workers are only illegal because it’s much easier to enter the country illegally these days than it is legally, and no amount of border fence will make passage into Arizona more difficult than hiring a lawyer and several years and thousands of dollars to get a residency visa when you live in a country where a few thousand dollars is more than your annual salary, and lawyers are perceived  as even less trustworthy than they are in the US. There’s no more Ellis Island to let new people in, with the only requirements that they showed up and aren’t sick, like that which existed and likely let in the ancestors of said xenophobes. 

What ever happened to ideas of the open market and the free-flow of capital? How is a fence indicative of  these liberal (proper Smith/Locke/Enlightenment sense, not TV-news sense) economic principles which our state is supposed to safeguard and extol to the rest of the world? 

Oh right, all anyone cares about is abortion and homosexual marriage and telling people to shut up. Because, you know, anything that can’t be said in fifteen seconds isn’t worth considering. 

Where was I? Right, robots. Oh my somethingorother! They’re building orange-picking robots. This is totally awesome. It’s almost as awesome as that time when I saw a combine at the state fair that has a GPS nav with a programmable autopilot with field waypoints. I, for one, welcome our new agricultural robotic overlords.


  • Best weblog update in a long time. (I mean out of all the weblogs I read, period.)

    I am very interested in but very “not up to snuff” with robotics. How far we’ve come. How far we still have to go. Etc. (Not discussing A.I., since I consider that more of a software / uber-mathematical problem to be tackled and not so much a MECHANICAL one, such as the mechanical problem pertinent to this very blog article. Indeed, how to get a robot to pick fruit without damaging the fruit or damaging the tree, and to do it at a speed which makes it economically advantageous over paying laborers to pick the fruit …)

    Your social commentary is also pretty spot on, but I don’t think anybody reading this weblog has problems with illegal aliens outside of the honestly philosophical. I don’t think most people reading this are xenophobic — considering how many of them have lived overseas for months at a time …

  • Send those border-jumpers back to Russia if they like Communism so much!!