
Why do you hate America, Fox News?

Jump to Comments I just don’t even have words for this stuff any more.


  • PS Suck on my truck nuts.

  • “Not only is he a pussy… he’s also an iron-fisted tyrant who will crush anyone who does not bend to his will.”


  • It’s actually sort of sad to see the Republican party die so pitifully. I say this as a non-party member, so maybe I’m being patronizing, but that’s not my intention. I mean, it really is sad when you consider that Theodore Roosevelt and Dwight D. Eisenhower are forever associated with the foibles of later Republican presidents.

    I suppose sadder still (to me) is that we still don’t have a four-party system in America. Gosh durn it, I want my Punnett Square of political and fiscal ideologies! I’d rather the Senate be 25-25-25-25 (but 50-50 for just politics or just economics) than continue down this 50-45-5 path it’s been stuck on for the last I don’t know how many years.

    I would gladly pay $0.99 to download this video from an “iClips” site or some such. I wonder how long before Apple does something like that? or are they just going to let Hulu and Joost and the others have control over the video media market while they stick to audio?