
Mega Weeknd Turboblaster EXPLOSION

Jump to Comments Well, Freitagabend was my crazy birthday party. Had over the Friendly Folks from Church, as well as Doggimus Maximus and Seamus Reilly O’Flannigan and stuff. I thionk everybody enjoyed the stuff– dinnerage and movietude. My parents popped a magician on me, but he was actually good, so, you know, whatever. Yeah, so we had some Bravoage– salad and Capellini Pomodoro or Lasagna, yeah. I got some leet presentage– a recording pen thing (woot), some gift certificate credit card things, some used German beer coaster things from El Baile (XD XD XD), and another MS-07B Gouf (thing) from Seamus. And some candy things in there, too. Yes. After all that mess, we ended up watching Some Movie in Italian (known to everybody but me, apparently, as Life is Beautiful), which while being a more or less girly movie fullfiled the RDA of both COMEDIC MISCHIEF and BLASTY. Okay, so it didn’t have any on-screen blasty, but there were Wermacht helmets aplenty, and, really, does one actually need real on-screen blasty when you have WWII German Soldiers already? Maybe not, if it isn’t in English. Yeah, so the evening seemed to be much of the fun for everybody– Doggimus Maximus left early because he was falling asleep (I don’t blame him) and Andrea (dude, I need to figure out (better) codenames for people, just in case they wouldn’t like me mentioning their actual names on THE CREZZY INTARWEB, you know) came late for various reasons, but, you know, yeah. Did I mention Zak was there? DON’T JANK THE BANK

. . .And I’m sure TEH NAZZ had fun at the supposedly-planned-five-months-in-advance-acoording-to-‘Bobo’ oh-no-you can’t-do-anything-on-that-day forking X-BOX PARTY. I mean, what’s with this ‘oh no your birthday isn’t nearly as important as this marginal thing’ crap? I mean, my Grandparents don’t come down here on their firstborn grandson’s 18th birthday like they’d been planning for two months because my not-even-blood-related Auntie is having some minor surgery. Of course, they thought that perhaps they might be needed to take care of my uncle’s children, but, of course, I doubt it– it’s not like her family isn’t alayws somehow of higher importance and our family almost always has to celebrate holidays on the wrong day and even still my uncle can’t come because me Auntie’s gotta be off doing something with her 5 bazillion people. URGH. And my grandparents still aren’t down here. What a crock.

My appologies for that almost Mellville-esque diversion-from-topic. So yeah, Samstag. I fell asleep about 3 AM after that party, but needed to get up to go to the Breakfast for other People thing at Church at some (un)godly time in the mid-morning. Used a bit of my Spanish skills. I realize that, you know, I can read Spanish, I can write Spanish– heck, I can do this pretty dang well (not to be too boastful or whatever)– but I sure as spoony can’t speak it. Yeah. But it was fun, anway. I couldn’t maintain my awake status by getting hooped up on cocacola for very long, so I slept all afternoon. Did I do something that evening? Oh yeah, woke up and went to Shake and Steak. I didn’t realize that Mr Findley the nice-dude-with-the-cane former-school-sytem-trasnportation-director-man was married to the ever-abhorred-by-the-Lunch-Table Mrs Fi(e)ndley. Yeah. I’m suprised at how full that restaraunt is at 10 PM. Whatever.

So, I says to myself, ‘what did I do on Sontag’? Oh, yeah, went to Church, that’s the ticket. That was fairly enjoyable, especially as it required me to do nothing that required waking up any earlier than 8:25. Not that I probably didn’t wake up intil 8:40 or something; I don’t know. Yeah, so the aftormentioned Andrea hooked me up with some giftage (Cribbage thing that works wooo) and what has to be the most incredibly crazy card ever. I think I’ll scan it sometime, it’s just plain nutty. Yeah, and then went to Fazziol’s (or whatever), and then a few of the dudes came over to my hizzy for a while. And then El Baile and I threw snow at the Church Van for a while. I seem to be drawing a blank on the evening. Oh well, this post has gone on long enough.

Just some housekeeping notes: I have two rolls of film and a little bit of video (most of it isn’t intelligible, unfortunately) of the party, which I’ll post up as soon as I get it developed. And scanned. Yeah. And I’ll post it with a loot list or something, as SPECIAL DECEMBER HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR. Yeah. Furthermore, I finally added that long-promised writeup on Northwestern, not that anyone cares. XD http://benjamins.no-ip.com/arch/000020.html

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