
Retain Receipt for Flight

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Not a lot here, that’s for freaking sure. Dude, every person I know on my wing is out of town this weekend, save Ivan. Even Ivan is going on some Walton Scholar trip tomorrow, though.

I guess Dan’s girlfriend was on campus today. It was enjoyable to talk to somebody, even if for just a few seconds, with my own ethnic dialect and accenture. Ethnic isn’t really the right word, but I think it gets the point across. I miss you, central Indiana.

I ran into Andrea about four times today. We ended up going shopping in Little Rock, where I expended some cash at the Gap for some stuff and a smaller belt, yeah. It was vaguely enjoyable, and the fact that I was able to get off and up out of Campus sort of makes up for the fact that she called me Dan no less than twice in said encounters. Of course, she more than likely only invited me because she knew that I’m practically alone all weekend.
