
Whatever happened to my lunchbox?

Jump to Comments So, I woke up this morning at the usual time I want to wake up– not 0730 or whatever it is when Lance is normally in my room talking to Ivan. But, I decided to enjoy it and skipped chapel. Wait. Have I already written something about this today? I have a really vage memory, and am too tired to check the main blog page.

So, anyway, classes were pretty good today. Afternoon was pretty good, too, but nothing to write home about. The caf gave me some corn dogs and ore-ida-style franch frits. Finally, something edible, even if it isn’t particularly healthy or whatever. I was going to watch the final pre-dress runthrough of the big spring theatrical production thing, but decided against it. I’ll just go pay to see a more finalized version, I guess.

Came back to Chez Dusty and hung out with just him for a while. Absolute hillarity ensued. He left to go do things with stuff and stuff, and I used the opportunity to make use of his stereo equipment and Aaron’s computer to update benjiesdict to the sound of fat beats. As nice as my new headphones are, it’s nice sometimes to hear music that isn’t coming from speaker drivers attached to the sides of my head.

Speaking of updating benjiesdict, it’s at over sixty entries now; go and visit.


  • More Fushigi Nazzy
    GMT-0500 05:58:41 0404.6 (Tue)

    I’m glad to see that some of my best/most pertinent suggestions made it onto the list, and I’m also surprised to see some Nazzisms on there. (Did you or Matt recall those?) I’m most happy to see Rumburglar up there. The “RUMBURGLAAAAAAR!” joke was as Ben as, say, “MRS. BERGER!” or “That’s pantacular!”

    Also, your memory may be vague, but it definitely succeeded in the end. You did, in fact, already mention chapel (as you can now see for yourself).

  • More Fushigi Nazzy
    GMT-0500 19:36:09 0404.6 (Tue)

    I was visiting Duke’s website, and I found that old photo of our doppelgangers, Ben:


  • Hehehe. That one works a lot better than you described it, as you said my supposed dopplegaenger was wearing a green parka like the one I had in, uh, 5th grade, or something.

  • More Fushigi Nazzy
    GMT-0500 15:36:29 0404.7 (Wed)

    Yeah, I got it messed up. He’s wearing your light beige flannel or whatever, and I’m the one wearing some greeny-bluey jacket. The important thing is, it looks just like us. I mean … d00d. I’ve saved this JPEG on both the home computer and the laptop now, lol, and I would think you should save it, too. XD We used to joke about doppelgangers in 9th grade, but even Matt agrees that this image is one of the better ones.

    Of course … the best one is that image of “you” in a leather jacket going GRRRRRR! for the camera. Either that’s you, or it’s doppelganger gold. XD