

Jump to Comments I just deleted upwards of 200 spam comments. Unfortuantely, I accidentally got one of Matt’s more recent ones, too. Sorry about that.

I’m considering forcing comment registration, but I’m going to wait for MT3.1 first– it’s going to have some advanced blacklisting features that may make registration unnecessary.


  • I think whatever version of MT I have (2.66?) has some sort of spam-protection set as default. You can’t comment from the same IP more than once an hour, or something. Somehow, this was causing Ryan to be unable to comment more than once a day, due to time zone change or something. It was weird.

  • Yeah, but this guy was pretty clever, and was spoofing different IP addresses. It was obvious that it was the same guy, though, since each post was made about ten seconds apart and stuff.

  • Okay, so I just got spammed again, but this time instead of being for popup blockers and viagra and mortgages, it was violent and explicit pr0n keywords.

    So, now I have it set up so that if you aren’t signed in with a typekey registration, I have to approve your comment first. This is a bit of a pain in the butt for everybody, but it’s better than the alternative — for now, at least.