
11 Days later

Jump to Comments As promised, a new iaatb theme. I’m still not really sure how it looks in Internet Explorer, and where any bugs might lurk. If you see something that looks wierd, regardless of browser, take a screenshot and leave me a comment.


  • As mentioned in my reply to the update directly before this one, the dates are messed up. For example …

    – says 0716.16 on the menu but 0709.16 in here
    – says 0705.05 on the menu but 0709.05 in here

    The latter, of course, makes perfect sense. Year, Month, Day. The former had me stumped for a good 2 minutes before I said, “Oh heck with it” and clicked on the blog update to reply. 1616 indeed.

    Here’s a screencap, as per your request.

  • Aside from the neuroses of Nazzy, I think everything looks great. I really like the new aesthetic.

  • There was an error in the php date call. I had yd.j in some places (2 digit year, 2 digit zero-padded month, point, 1 or 2 digit month) instead of ym.j (GIOS date) like was on the original iaatb.net (and benjamins.no-ip.com).