
Terrible jokes

Jump to Comments I always thought it was sum ergo cogito but then again I’m always putting Descartes before Desorses.


  • Q: What’s brown and sticky?

    A: A stick!

  • Ben’s actually took me a good 20-30 seconds because I was so focused on the disordered cogito ergo sum to pay attention to the Descartes/Desorses bit. Mack’s, needless to say … lol.

    Which one of yours is worse, I dunno. I think Ben’s is more intelligent, while Mack’s is probably more groan-inducing because of its elementary school playground feel. I actually admire Ben’s bad joke. Maybe it’s because I tell so many bad jokes myself, I dunno.

    Tangential thinking 1: “Je pense; donc, je suis.” I remember learning this ages ago. I’ll probably never forget the French word for “therefore” because of this. Thanks, René.

    Tangential thinking 2: “René” reminds me of René from my favorite Britcom of all time, Allo, Allo! Good God, I should buy that on DVD. That and The Critic.