
Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring

Jump to Comments What’s up, crackalackers? Today’s been pretty quality for me.

Woke up this morning, putzed around fro a while, started studying for Honors OT, went to lunch. The caf was absolutely pathetic, but no matter– Shaner and Dusty and the Megs and I had enough fun. Got a dorm room for next semester (more on that later), Czeched the mail and saw a bunch of Honors OT people studying in the Stupid Center; went back to my room, got my stuff, and joined them for an hour or two. Bought them some food to deplete my DCB– just $5.20 left (it doesn’t carry over the summer, sigh.) Got in there, took the test; it was easier than I expected, yeah. Did some exit-polling, tried to get together some sort of after-party to no avail.

Went back to the Dirty Dirty Three South (which is literally quite dirty right now), and have been helping Shaner and Andrew’s friend Ben (who’s most excellent) study for their history final, per usual. Dusty’s parents came by for a while to take home some of his excess stuff, since he’s staying in another dorm for intercession. They’re cool, yeah.

Den, afta dat, got some more food from the Stupid, came back, more studying. At about 10:00 some of Dusty, Aaron, and Andrew’s mutual friends came by, some of which just happened to be girls, which was absolutely hillarious. Andrew said something like, “who’s gonna catch me letting you in, my RA?” See, that’s funny, since he’s the RA, see. Yeah.

Helping the boys study ever since. Dusty taught me some guitar chords again, and I was actually able to play them without muting all the worng strings. Must be because I cut my fingernails (way too) short yesterday.

So, anyway, in regards to dorm room for next year, I’ve got a north-facing single on the second floor, west side of Grad (the northern building in the Armstrong-Keller-Grad quad). There’s a big tree outside, and I’m like right next to the lavatory, so it should be all good in the parenthood, if you know what I mean. The number is 207, by the way. I’m gonna see if I can go czech it out tomorrow, or something.

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