
It’s Back.

Jump to Comments On October 10, 2002, I uploaded a plaintext file to a no-longer-extant webspace of mine. In it, I documented the lunch table antics of that day — which have gone down as some of the funniest that ever occured — the fact that, at the time, blogger.com was pretty worthless, and, of course, my undying love for the Model M keyboard.

After a few updates to that text file, I decided to make it into a real hypertext document, and made a stylesheet to go with it. Shortly thereafter, I aquired a lightweight CMS, movabletype, to handle the HTML procution for me. The rest is history in the archives, you can read it for your own dang self history.

More than three years later (or, as the Economist would say, more than three years on), I sit in front of an old. trusty (and dusty) spare Trinitron, typing on one of my many Model M keyboards. The computer has changed — while my beloved 5nusp still lives on in my home bedroom, the computer of choice these days is a new mac mini with a gig of ram. However, I hope the quality of this website hasn’t, but if it has, I hope it has been for the better. Look for the rebirth of benjiesdict in the next few days– I’m having to hand-restore some of the entries as my backups weren’t up-to-date when the old MT install crashed in September. The revamped and perhaps repurposed rest of the site will appear as I get the hang of MT32 and find my old templates and notes and everything.


  • I miss the temporary look of the weblog. ^_^; Oh well, to each his own.

    You should direct-link us to that text file at the very least. You got me all excited, and then leave me on 56k to go a-huntin’ for it. [Hook] Bad form, Peter, bad form. [/Hook]

    Snazzy writing, as sharp and informative as ever. *thumbs up*

  • Well, Ben that is a touching piece of history you got there. I laughed, I cried, it was beautiful. Hey i was wondering if Megs ever gave you your soap dispenser? If not i gave it to her to give to you…Let me know if you still wanna come up…