

Jump to Comments Thank you, 1990s girl in white turtleneck wearing flame-broiled fireman helmet, for the best factory cookies in the universe.


  • I think you’re ignoring the crucial (and empirically verifiable) fact that Thin Mints and Tagalongs are both superior to Samoas.

  • Not only that, but you’re forgetting that they’re called Caramel Delites now.

  • No, they’re still called Samoas, fortunately. You’re just getting them from the distributor that uses the other names, Ian.

    Further, while the quality of thin mints are undeniable, as chocolate-coated-chocolatey things they are not clearly categorizable as cookies even though they reside within the “Girl Scout Cookie” clade, they clearly skirt into the territory occupied by pseudocookies like Twix and York peppermint patties. Tagalongs have sufficient cookie-like consistency to make a direct comparison to Samoas, and I do believe the research you are refering to, Matt, was recently discredited in Lamb B, Lowhouse E, Gupta S, et al. “A Randomized Controlled Trial of Cookie Ingestion Self-management Support Comparing Oleo-arachide Coated-Type and Coconuciform Toroids,” Proceedings of the International Journal of Biscottic Arts and Sciences Vol 191 Iss 3 (2008).

  • See my editorial in this month’s issue of Conrad Magazine for my rebuttal of these errors.

  • Samoas are one of three boxes our family orders (the most popular is the blue box with the plain shortcake cookies, Mom and Dad love them for dipping into coffee), and they’re definitely our family’s unanimously-preferred cookie. We usually buy around 4-6 boxes and try to ration them out through the year, i.e. we’ll open one box a month and maybe each person can enjoy 3-4 Samoas that night and finish the box off the next night, or some such.