ma·gic the ga·ther·ing of dorks
[ˈmæʤık ðə ˈgæðɚiŋ ʌv dɔɚks] (ma' jihk dhe ga' dher eeng uhv dorks)
sometimes Magic: The Gathering of Total Dorkitude [totˈl̩ ˈdɔɚkıtud, ˈdɔɚkıtjud] (toht l' dork' ih tood, dork' ih tyood)
1. A card game, known in adingaflebin as 'Magic: The Gathering', which uses dorkcards. [T]he Nazz and "Bobo" were too busy playing Magic: The Gathering of Total Dorkitude to pay any notice. Lamb.
Sardonicism by continuation.