
It all ends in 1999 (not really)

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The last few nights, I’ve walked around on the front lawn of campus, because apparently this ‘exercise’ thing is ‘good’, or whatever. Every night I’ve noticed a large group of girls congregated around the fountain in front of the Administration Auditorium. They sing songs while passing around a candle, and then suddenly something happens and they all shove one girl in the fountain. I’ve asked around about this– apparently it’s ‘the ring ceremony’. in which a yet-to-be-determined-by-yours-truely group of girls gather around the fountain, etc, etc, until the one that has become engaged (hence, ‘ring’) blows out the candle and, once again, is shoved into the fountain by a mob of significant size.

You know, society — no, civilization itself — has been dominated by men for countless millenia. And, honestly, it can be summarized as general progress occasionally interupted with often debilitating cruelty and violence. Taking the above as an example, I can only begin to contemplate what would have happened if it were the other gender in control for all these years.

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