
Site additions

Jump to Comments Well, well, well, it seems that I’ve fully converted almost all of the once-static pages to a new instance of Movable Type that I’m using for a content management system.

Along with that, I’ve got benjiesdict online finally, you can czech it out over at text or extras or whatever. There’s certainly more entries to be added; if you think there’s one in particular that really ought to be there, shoot off a good definition to the benjiesdict email address.

Also, I made a bunch more header images, mostly space-shuttle-related, since I’ve always thought it looked cool (and also NASA images are free XD).


  • I know it’s, you know, pretty clear, but I’d like to assert the overall awesomness of this website on the Internet.

  • What is this automated crap? I want the true IAATB experience, e-mails from the Bennyfactor himself! None of this “Thanks for your suggestions! A real human will be with you shortly!” service.

    (Just kidding with the ire. The automation is actually rather impressive/humorous. Still, I would like a real confirmation from you, dude. XD)