

Jump to Comments probbka (16:36:04): this is pretty sad
probbka (16:36:09): i was outside in the moderate sun today
probbka (16:36:11): for like 3 hours
probbka (16:36:14): and i got mad sunburned
probbka (16:36:21): i’ve been a CS major too long
Cheezdom (16:37:25): Truely it is sad
Sunburn from three hours
Ex-comp-sci lamer

Cheezdom (16:37:30): XD
Cheezdom (16:37:31): Sorry
Cheezdom (16:37:44): I was just doing more Haiku on Becky’s thing
Cheezdom (16:37:48): I love that stuff so much
probbka (16:38:51): Well-crafted poem
Reveals your linguistic skills
But seems pretentious

Cheezdom (16:40:17): He does speak the thruth
This requires choice vocab
Or just a lil’ French

Cheezdom (16:43:57): Probbka is typing
Probbka has entered some text
Haiku over AIM
probbka (16:45:09): Si je parle Francais
Je peux dire beaucoup choses, mais
"Je me rendre" plupart
probbka (16:46:33): That last line is wrong
"Je me rends", is the real French
I have lost my skills

Cheezdom (16:48:05): Spirit is willing
But French skills are yet so weak
I love Babelfish
probbka (16:49:25): I open "New File"
Typing outside AIM hides now
That I take too long
probbka (16:50:39): "Je me rends", I say
It means many things, foremost
that "I surrender"
probbka (16:52:14): "Je me rends", I say
Babelfish mangles it bad
"I go", it mistakes

Cheezdom (16:52:45): List’ning to Beatles
McCartney and Lennon’s songs
Distract from haiku
probbka (16:53:37): Yellowcard I hear
Songs full of whiny lyrics
Still has a good tune

Cheezdom (16:55:01): What e’er could this be?
Straw’b’r’y Fields Alternate Take
I thought lost for good.
probbka (16:55:10): On Monday I’m screwed
A large paper on sci-fi
Is due, not begun

Cheezdom (16:57:02): Report on genre
Could be quite a big struggle
Narrow topic, eh?
probbka (16:57:10): "Strawberry Fields", yes
A good song, but for the best
Hear "Here Comes the Sun"
probbka (16:58:23): Paper not on genre
But on story, "Logic Pool"
Very boring ideas
probbka (16:59:24): CS project looms
Project partner worried now
Thinks I slack too much

Cheezdom (17:00:17): The phone, it does ring
Pick up, answer "Three Three Two"
Other side perplexed.
probbka (17:00:54): Next time instead say
probbka (17:01:32): Next time instead say
"Roadkill cafe, you kill ’em,
We grill ’em"… funny

Cheezdom (17:03:12): I might just have said
"The room of Lamb and Gomez"
But roomnum shorter.
probbka (17:05:14): When will you be home
For the summer? As for me,
I am done May 6

Cheezdom (17:09:26): The Samstag post-tests
Which is, like, May fifteenth, but,
I won’t be home June
probbka (17:11:03): South America;
What can one do there, but start
A revolution?

Cheezdom (17:11:59): "A revolution
I’m polluting the airwaves"
So raps Eminem
probbka (17:12:43): Eminem would be
The rapper that melts in mouth
Not in hand, correct?

Cheezdom (17:13:39): Indeed he would be
But he seems to think that we
Forgot about Dre.
probbka (17:14:46): I did not forget
For I never knew a Dre
I did know a Drew

Cheezdom (17:16:52): Too bad for Em; thus
Isolated anecdotes
valid proofs make not.
probbka (17:20:16): This is a tangent
My original question
Inquired elsewise

Cheezdom (17:21:49): Indeed it is such
I go to talk ’bout Jesus
Also for credits

Cheezdom (17:23:27): Man can’t serve two lords
Unless perhaps man serves one
by serving other.
probbka (17:24:42): As Jebus did say
"Rend unto Caesar his due"
The rest to the Pope
probbka (17:25:34): South America
Harbors Catholicism
You’re Protestant, no?
probbka (17:26:17): Catholicism
It’s a dirty thing, you must
Speak kindly of Pope

Cheezdom (17:26:40): Christ said nought of Pope
‘Tis med’eval invention
Or so I’ve been told
probbka (17:26:54): You will anger them
If you tell them the Pope is wrong
They don’t know much else
probbka (17:27:35): Pope recently said
No gleeful singing allowed
probbka (17:27:42): In masses these days
Cheezdom (17:28:48): Indeed, tis challenge
to teach Him in S. A.
And not mention Pope
probbka (17:29:41): A great challenge, yes
You may think Christ is Christ, but
They may not think so

Cheezdom (17:29:47): All you need is love
The Beatles did like to say
Well, that and Good Book

Cheezdom (17:31:45): In times of trouble
And relative moral’ty
Christ’an’ty is rough
probbka (17:34:56): What will you do, though
Will you read them the Bible?
What age will you teach?

Cheezdom (17:36:30): Study some verses
That seem to be of import
To our contacts there

Cheezdom (17:36:39): with our contacts there
Cheezdom (17:38:25): English, oh, English
With many prepositions
‘Tis better than case?
probbka (17:39:26): Of case, I know that
It can be used with ‘switch x’
No more if-else’s

Cheezdom (17:41:59): Well, classics major
Case is declining nouns; now
Conjugate the verb!
probbka (17:42:41): Declining nouns, oh
Sounds like verbs taking over
Nouns decline, verbs rise?
probbka (17:43:15): Classics major, no
I’m a math major, sonny
Classics a minor

Cheezdom (17:44:04): Major or Minor
You know it all sounds the same
When speaking Spanish.

Cheezdom (17:48:29): ‘Declining’ here speaks
Of ‘declension’; when nouns take
endings, like in Greek.

Cheezdom (17:49:58): Wikipedia
Provides some insight to this
Click this hyperlink.

probbka (17:50:32): I know naught of Greek
Nor will I, only Latin
Is what I must learn

Cheezdom (17:51:55): Oh, well then, my friend
Instead of Greek’s four cases,
Learn Latin’s seven.
probbka (17:52:29): Seven is greater
Than many other numbers
So Seven Eight Nine

Cheezdom (17:55:57): Truely seven’s great
The sole polysyllabic
That’s less than thirteen
probbka (17:56:56): I’m afraid you err
Eleven has three syll’bles
You should count more oft’n

Cheezdom (17:59:24): I had first written
"the only bisyllabic"
Never second-guess.
probbka (18:01:20): Law and Order airs
At the current moment; later
More haiku making

Cheezdom (18:05:46): Just think that someday
The shows we watch on TV
Will fly past Altair

Cheezdom (20:52:11): IMing the Nazz
He sure like to run his mouth
But it’s all good, yeah.
probbka (20:52:25): hehe
Cheezdom (20:54:09): Rain, rain, go away
Filling the sidewalks with mud
Why, Arkansas, why?
probbka (20:54:23): i’m too tired to type a haiku
probbka (20:54:29): but have you read ryan’s latest comments on his blog
Cheezdom (20:57:00): Sean is quite pompous
Yet his words are still the truth
Nazz should get out more
probbka (21:06:43): hehe
Cheezdom (21:14:31): I think to myself
"Probbka is.."’d makes good away.
Mind me using it?

probbka (21:14:54): not following
Cheezdom (21:15:50): "
Probbka is typing
Probbka has entered some text
Haiku over AIM
probbka (21:16:12): go for it
Cheezdom (21:17:17): From whence came that ‘d
It’s like "Whoa! Hello, Shakespeare?"
Tee-hee, "All your smurf."
probbka (21:18:42): heheh


  • I was gonna post that but I figured it was too long

  • You guys f***ing rock!!! 🙂

  • Yeah where are the groupies eh

    Pls send groupies

  • Man, Ben, you really need to upgrade MT. I shouldn’t have to manually put br to do a line break…

  • Actually, I have it set up to do that, so that people can actually use HTML besides fricking embolden.

    It doesn’t really have anything to do with the MT version; 2.661 is the same way. I was just waiting to up grade the blog until 3.0 came out, since it’s kind of been a hassle in the past to upgrade a functional install of MT.

  • My blog has HTML enabled in posts, and you don’t have to

    to get a new line.

  • He’s right. That’s why, back in February when I first got my blog, I didn’t realize that your blog was also Movable Type! Because the posting liberties in “Matt’s version” are a lot greater than in yours. Heck, does strikeout even work in your purportedly “HTML happy” setup? Isn’t it the s-tag? Maybe I’m just stupid. Testing!! I dunno, I remember in the past that trying the strikeout tag at your blog has failed. We’ll see once I reply.

  • Eh, whatever; it used to work; the setting smust have gotten off somehow.