
In the event of an actual emergency…

Jump to Comments Yeah, so, instead of making a real blog update, I am going to include something I found on E2 earlier, the colophon of a medieval manuscript. Enjoy– I sure did.

Explicit secunda pars summe fratris thome de aquino ordinis fratrum predicatorum; longissima, prolixissima, et tediosissima scribenti; Deo Gratias, Deo Gratias, et iterum Deo Gratias.

(Here ends the second part of the title work of Brother Thomas Aquinas of the Dominican Order; very long, very verbose, and very tedious for the scribe. Thank God, thank God, and again thank God.)

as reported in Parkes, M. B. English Cursive Book Hands 1250-1500. Oxford, 1969.