
Vote National Progressive Conservative Peoples’ Traditionalist Populist Workers’ Party

Jump to Comments Yes, folks, this is the start of a new day, and of a new party platform to lead this wonderful country in the right direction. Enough of the Republicans and Democrats and Libertarians and Greens and Right-wing nutjobs and Left-wing pinko commies. The time of the National Progressive Conservative Peoples’ Traditionalist Populist Workers’ Party (NPCPTPWP, or nip-kip-tip-wip) is at hand.

You might be asking, “Why do we need another party?” “What’s with that name?” Well, I just filled out a FAFSA today and thought that the amound of information they wanted to be outlandish and absurd. Also, we all know how I hate such thing as traffic signs in illegible, nonstandard fonts and other bumbling acts of stupidity regularly perpetrated by the government these days. That’s why I’m forming this new party. The name is absurd because I think this other stuff is absurd.

Okay, so this has kind of lost the humor that it had when I initially thought of it a few hours ago. Sorry for not doing it justice.


  • “traffic signs in illegible, nonstandard fonts”


  • Yeah, illegible. I’ve noticed several road construction signs put up by contractors (as opposed to the DOT) that are in Impact instead of the actual roadsign font. Sure, Impact may be a sanserif, sort of blocky font like the roadsign font, but from a distance it’s completely illegible because it’s a very heavy font and was never intended for high legibility.

    I’ve evn seen a sign up in Logansport that read


    With the “CAUTION:” in negative. So, not only is the font wrong, not only is the message on the sign bizzarely nonstandard, but there’s never any colons on a roadsign, and there’s never negative lettering on a sign! All these things put together make it even more difficult to glean information from something on the side of the road, viewable for a few seconds.