
Easy Button

Jump to Comments So, like, I realize that my cantankerous Epson printer has just finished dying a horrible death about an hour before I have some mock-ups of letterhead due in Spanish. All my buddies with color printer were in class at the time, and the only school color printer I have access to is in the art building’s mac lab, which had a class in it all the way until noon — when the stuff was due.

Of course, this left me but with one option, and I aquired the necessary financial backing to go purchase one from Staples. I nearly immediately found the kind of paper that I needed — heavyweight matte stuff with high brightness numbers — I think it was 100 or so. Finding a good quality inkjet printer was simple when I realized that they now make these inkjet printers specifically for printing photos, and that the regular inkjets are less expensive for the capabilities and were located further down the aisle. I got an HP Officejet Pro K550, because it featured the new type of HP ink that the nicer photojets had. Of course, I was rather confused why there were some HP ink cartirges hung throughout the printer aisle, but none of the type 88 required by mine. A clerk almost instantaneously noticed what my problem was and escorted my to another area (the actual ink section) and actually pulled all the cartriges I needed and put them in my cart, instead of just, like, pointing to them. I was so impressed with the ability for me to get all this stuff in the timeframe of about 10 minutes — in Searcylandia, of all places — that I even bought one of their little toy ‘easy buttons’, which replicate what you see in the commercials. Except, every time you press it, it says “That was easy!” Maybe it’s a statement, and not an exclamation, but I’m going to treat it as the former, because, well, it sure was easy.

Oh, so, also, I get this email on my Harding account from one of my friends from various foreign language classes talking about how she’s the editorial editor for our campus newspaper and that she’d rather like to write a column for January 27th’s Bison, and perhaps to do some more in the future. Since she (probably unwittingly) picked the number twenty-seven, I knew there was no way I could back out. Since, you know, 27 is only my most favorite number of all time.

If you’re on campus, expect to see the same junk as this — where I sound like I know what I’m talking about — being printed on dead trees and distrbuted for the very first time next week! I know you’ll love every second of it. Except, not really.

Yeah, anyhow, first week of school has been pretty good, classes shaping up to be decent. I’ve already told the kid next door several times to seriously not play loud music (and my definition of loud is that I can here it in my room) after midnight. In fact, this is a reasonable and more-than-generous request on my part, for here is the regulation on noise as quoted from “A Guide to Residence Hall Life: Harding University 2005-06”:
NOISE A primary right of students in residence halls is the right to study and sleep in one’s room free from unreasonable interference. Thus, noise and other distractions that inhibit the exercise of this right are strictly prohibited.

Sunday – Thursday 10 p.m. – 6 a.m.
Friday and Saturday 11 p.m. – 6 a.m.

The following guidelines exist during quiet hours:
-The noise level resulting from conversation or the use of stereos, radios, televisions and telephones in any room should not be loud enough to be heard outside the room.
-Residents hall will confront those who are making too much noise, even if they have not received a complaint from another resident.
-Residents are expected to confront others who are making too much noise. Those making the noise are expected to reduce the noise level immediately.
REMEMBER: The right to quiet always supersedes the privilege to make noise! [emphasis theirs]
So, yeah, if it happens again I’m freaking telling the RA.


  • A Place to Call My Nazz
    GMT-0500 12:03:21 0601.18 (Wed)

    At least your landlord didn’t tell you couldn’t have a cat “because people have allergies”, but then she allows two different residents the right to two mid-size dogs, one of which howled for the first time ever at 2 am Monday morning and kept half the building up until 3 am.

    Which is to say, “You have my sympathy, but at least your problem is deal-with-able. Whereas my problem will simply result in my landlord telling me, ‘You don’t like the dogs? Then you can leave, because the dog owners pay more than you do since they have to pay an extra fee for the arbitrary ‘right to keep non-allergenic pets’, even though dogs are as allergenic as cats. J00 L053!”

    And yes, today’s name is very forced. But I find it humorously so.

  • If you want to retaliate, get up at 6 am and start playing your own music really lound right at his room. Or, just knock on his door at that hour every day and remind him to keep it down. You’ll be well within your rights, and it’ll be most effective.

  • It seems to me that Searcy, is starting to shape up into a respectable small southern town. Also as a former RA you should consult me on the proper procedures before doing anything rash Mr. Lamb. Not that telling your RA is rash, but there may be other step to take. Also i realized the other day that we are in the same french class this semester and had we been both at the same campus that would be totally sweet. Peace and good tiding to you!