
Final Exam Schedule

Jump to Comments This is more for me than anybody else, but the following is my final exam schedule.
1030 M     FR   305 GANB 112 Franch is (mainly) for girls| M. Robert
1300 M     POLS 460 GANB 125 Political Science Sadistix  | Breezy
1800 M     BOLD 303 MCIN 125 One Last Pentateuch Class   | Herr Dr. Fortner
                             NO FINALS ON TUESTAG 
1330   W   POLS 304 GANB 202 Conversations on Pub. Admin.| LKlein
1330    R  PHS  111 SCI  124 8th Grade Earth Science     | USS Cole 
0800     F POLS 351 GANB 125 Am. Foreign Policy / Blogs! | Spanish for "The Rod"
That means I’ll be leaving Saturday. Oh well.


  • If your final is at 8 am Friday, why do you not come home until Saturday?

  • 1. I won’t be done with that final until about 10 AM, which means that I wouldn’t be ready to go until at least 1, which is pushing it.
    2. Molly thinks she has to work Friday afternoon, and I’d rather not drive home by myself.

  • Good luck with your three finals tomorrow! It would appear that, once you get tomorrow out of the way, it’s smooth sailing. So I wish you the best and hope that the entire venture goes smoothly.

    I think many of us are coming home Friday night or Saturday afternoon, so it all works out. Good luck on (what sounds like) driving home. We haven’t had much snow so far, and I hope the roads will be clear for you come Saturday, as well.

  • The weather will be sunny and 45 degrees Saturday, so you should have a good day to travel.

  • What kinds of things did you cover in “8th grade earth science”?

  • Astronomy, meteorology, geology. Basically everything I learned from Bloede, which is why I call it that.

    Dr Cole is a neat professor, and enjoys teaching what is really one the most basic of gen-eds available at school. He’s done some very clever demonstrations, primarily as examples for people getting elementary licensure, but they are nonetheless enjoyable. Honestly, though, I sit in the back of the room and call out the blanks in his notes just loud enough so that the people near me can hear, but not enough to make it look like I’m Mr Know-It-All in the eyes of J Random Idiot sitting somewhere in science lecture 124.

  • Mr. Bloede still has your Star Trek book and wants to return it to you, last I heard + IIRC. Maybe we should have an adventure his holiday season, before we all wind up who-knows-where with college coming fast to an end, and go to his house, chat with him for a while, and retrieve the legendary book.