
Back in the you ess…

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Uh so all I’m managing these days is one liners. The latest: “Yeah, basically I’ve come to the conclusion that all the happy American bacteria in my intestines have died a death — and the Italian ones, well, it wouldn’t surprise me if they’re on strike.”

UPDATE: Yesterday I was watching Christopher play Super Mario Galaxy and I tried to ask him if he had to “rescue the princess again” and what came out was described by him as “Rincess Pukestain?” This only a few hours after I looked at a piece of direct-mail from across the room, sans glasses, and thought thought the addressee ( “Chick-fil-a Neighbor” ) read “Charles Anderson” and asked if we had any neighbors by that name. I think I’m going to re-title this blog “Dumb things that come out of my mouth.” Because I mean, seriously.

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