
Pimp tax!

Jump to Comments Oh my goodness, some senator from Iowa is pushing for a pimp tax— in which, for example, a pimp is liable to a jail sentence of 10 years for not filing a W-2 for a ho.

Incredulously, a “sex-worker advocate” is quoted, decrying this bill because it has the potential to target “could target your local strip club,” you know, a for-profit incorporated business that is already required by law to meet certain local, state, and federal standards for public accommodation, OSHA requirements, and, oh, right, abide by the tax code. (Though I believe she’s about it being a better idea to target the violence and abuse elements of prostitution instead of the tax-evasion elements thereof).

Oh, and the reason why I mentioned this in the first place:

No word yet on how this proposed law will effect Lil Jon and the Eastside Boyz.

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