
You know what I want right now?

Jump to Comments * Pork Tenderloin Sandwich * French Onion Soup * Clam Chowder (go pats) * Chicken Caesar Salad * A pound of slow-cooked cow * Polish Sausage / Würstchen * Stroganoff * Cornbread * Something Italian Somebody asked me what my favorite foods were today; I subsequently realized how long its been since I’ve eaten pretty much any one of them, especially Stroganoff. I mean, that list isn’t even exhaustive anymore since it’s hard to even remember what mom cooked on a regular basis. It must have been a conversation where Alex was nearby; he subsequently reacted on the mention of the tenderloin in a way that made it seem that he’d never even dreamed of such a fabulous concoction! This ‘The South,’ you know. Sure, Grandma was from down here, and this is the place where people don’t think it’s weird to eat okra and collard greens, but, I mean, if they know not pork tenderloin sandwich then they know not tasty.


  • Pork Chop Nazzwiches
    GMT-0500 21:12:26 0704.21 (Sat)

    Pork Chop != Pork Tenderloin, but man, we almost had the joke in there by accident! 🙂

    You should be sure to come over to my house for dinner some time. I am inviting you now. :p No idea when, though, would be a good time to cash this eCheque.

    Your list is truly American. German, French, New England, and Grecan dishes find themselves beside Polish, Russian, and Italian meals. What a menu.

    Is this a shameless plug to your mom (if she reads the blog) on what to cook for you when you come home? ;p

  • I could go for some French Onion Soup right about now.